
2014(e)ko abenduaren 5(a), ostirala
2014(e)ko abenduaren 4(a), osteguna
2014(e)ko azaroaren 13(a), osteguna
Mr. Bean in the swimming pool
As I promised, here you have a video of Mr. Bean. He is going to swimming pool and look what happens... you won't believe it!
2014(e)ko azaroaren 11(a), asteartea
2014(e)ko urriaren 31(a), ostirala
It was Halloween...
Today is the 31st of October... You're right, it's Halloween! Our students wrote this scary stories... I hope you like them!
It was Halloween.
Luzia and Khadija were wearing costumes and went from house to house, getting
Luzia said:
knock, knock! Trick or treat?
And the door
They entered to
see what was in the house. Khadija and Luzia said: Oh no!!!! There are
Keep calm
Khadija, said Luzia.
They saw five
vampires talking and walking into the house.
Khadija said: I’m
Luzia said: Don’t
They saw the
vampires eating candies and then, they suddenly died.
Luzia and Khadija
shouted Aaaaaaaaaaaah” and they went back to her houses.
By: Khadija and
Elaia met Irati
in a haunted house. They saw a pumpkin and a ghost speaking with a vampire.
They shouted: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!
The pumpkin, the
ghost and the vampire attacked Elaia and Irati and locked them into the house.
Elaia said: I’m
scared! I don’t know where we are.
Irati said:
Eeeeeh! The key is here.
They took the key
and the opened the door. Then they ran away. The girls went to their parents
and told them what happened. The parents didn’t believe them. And the
consequence was that didn’t go back to that house.
By: Irati and
Naroa and Oihan
lived in Zaldibia, in the mountain. One night,
on 31st of October, in Halloween, they saw a lightning, a ghost
and a big pumpkin monster.
Naroa said:
Oihan, I’m scared!
Oihan said: Calm
down, you are with me.
He embraced
Naroa. The ghost took Naroa away and Oihan ran after them. The pumpkin took
Oihan with him. And the consequence was that they never saw each other again.
By: Eneko, Gaizka
and Hodei
It was Halloween
night. Primary 6 children went to the cemetery to visit Irati’s grandmother. They
met a bloody cat.
Sahatsa said: Oh,
my god!
The boys got
scared and the girls laughed. But Naroa and Irati fainted. Elaia, Luzia and
Sahatsa fan them to get up-
They saw a ghost
and ran away, but Irati and Naroa stayed there. When they got up, they were
Naroa said: We
have to go away! What’s that?.... A zombie!!!!!!!!
They ran very
fast. But Irati fell in a hole.
She said: Naroa,
help me!
But Naroa couldn’t
reach. In that moment, the other children appeared and helped Irati. And then,
the children went away. When they arrived to Bilore, their parents were there.
They asked: Where
were you? We were scared!
And the children
answered: Eh… in the park!
And the
consequence was that they were punished because they didn’t tell their parents
the truth. But the children were happy anyway.
By: Sahatsa and
Yassin and Oihan
went to the USA for Halloween. They saw some vampires.
Yassin said: Let’s
go and speak to the vampires.
Oihan said: Oh no!
They are real vampires!
Yassin said: We
have to go away!
Oihan replied:
Yes, run!!!!! And the consequence was that Oihan became a vampire too.
By: Oihan and
2014(e)ko urriaren 23(a), osteguna
The young Picasso
Once upon a time there was a boy calles Kieron. He was very young when he became an artist. This is why he is called the Young Picasso.
This is our song for the week: Break free by Ariana Grande. Enjoy the music and the videoclip!
2014(e)ko urriaren 16(a), osteguna
We are one
Primary 6 class has been singing this song this afternoon! Ole ole, ole ola!!! Enjoy the music!!!
2014(e)ko urriaren 9(a), osteguna
A year without rain
Sahatsa suggested we should sing "A year without rain" by Selena Gomez. Enjoy the song!
2014(e)ko urriaren 2(a), osteguna
2014(e)ko irailaren 30(a), asteartea
Cubist art
Today, we were talking about Pablo Picasso and cubist art. Here you have some more information:
2014(e)ko irailaren 25(a), osteguna
Iyaz - Replay
This week, Hodei chose the song for the class: it's Replay, by Iyaz. Unfortunately, Hodei was sick yesterday! Take care!
2014(e)ko irailaren 12(a), ostirala
2014(e)ko apirilaren 8(a), asteartea
2014(e)ko martxoaren 12(a), asteazkena
2014(e)ko martxoaren 6(a), osteguna
2014(e)ko otsailaren 25(a), asteartea
My perfect holidays
What are your favourite holidays? What would you like to do? Where would you like to go? Here you have some ideas:
2014(e)ko urtarrilaren 11(a), larunbata
Welcome to our English Class blog. You can review what we do in class, learn more about it, play games, sing, publish your own works, comment them...
This blog is particularly directed to Primary 5 and Primary 6 pupils. The materials will be published in different colours, so that you can distinguish the tasks which are for you. Primary 5 pupils will use purple colour, while Primary 6 pupils will be working with the green one. The common publications will be done in black.
In case you have any doubts about the use of the blog, just let me know! Enjoy it, and remember to care of yourselves when you are surfing on the Internet!
This blog is particularly directed to Primary 5 and Primary 6 pupils. The materials will be published in different colours, so that you can distinguish the tasks which are for you. Primary 5 pupils will use purple colour, while Primary 6 pupils will be working with the green one. The common publications will be done in black.
In case you have any doubts about the use of the blog, just let me know! Enjoy it, and remember to care of yourselves when you are surfing on the Internet!
Harpidetu honetara:
Mezuak (Atom)